Fairy Fort Project

As part of artist/folklorist Michael Fortune’s work with Take A Part Carlow, he undertook a project with local community groups, young and old aimed at bringing to life and attention, an ancient but overgrown ringfort.  

The Tullow Road ringfort is a included in the inventory of national monuments of Ireland and these would have been built between the 5th and 11th century. Unfortunately, in recent years it became overgrown, used to dump rubbish as well as being used for anti-social behaviour.  This project aimed to highlight the importance of such a site to local people, while also trying to establish it as a space where people can go and where performances and events can take place during the year. Take A Part Carlow worked on the Fairy Fort during February and March to clean up, host fairy folklore talks and Fairy Door making workshops.


Creative Samhain Mask Making Project


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