Step 2: Setting

When we write there are some things which we must consider. The first thing to consider is “setting”: where is the place that your story happens? It could be your local area, or it could be an imagined place. In your piece of writing describe the setting using descriptive words. 

When you describe anything you do this through the senses. There are five senses: touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. When we use our senses to describe places we bring the reader into the place with us because through the sights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells we describe they imagine and are transported. This brings our stories to life. 

 So to start off we will write for fifteen minutes on setting. Where is your favourite place? Tell us about it. You might include the things that are there such as buildings, trees, plants, rivers, hills, fields. It could be your home, your school, or your local park area. You can make a place up, there is no restrictions on this, feel free to write what you want. Think about the senses as you describe this place to us. Sight, sound, smell, touch can all be used to make the place you’re describing come to life for the reader. 

Some first line suggestions:

This is where I go…

There is nowhere in the world like it…

I love __ because…

Someday I want to bring my friends to…